Machine learning
Model guideline
Model guideline
Machine learning
Focal loss - handle class imbalance
Delong method for AUC interval and AUC test
Overestimate feature importance in Random Forest
SHAP values and Coefficients of Logistic Regression
Tính toán giá trị SHAP sử dụng thư viện LightGBM
Fit Distribution
Model calibration
Reinforcement Learning
Use Reinforcement learning to enhance traditional scorecard
Isolation Forest - anomaly detection
Autoencoders - anomaly detection
Classifier Chain
Train a model on the Wine Quality dataset using ordinal loss and the Kappa metric in PyTorch
Partial-dependence Profiles vs Accumulated-local Profiles
LightGBM Predict Contrib for Multi-Class Classification
Deep Dive into Stacking Model for Multi-Class Classification
Standardized Coefficients vs Unstandardized Coefficients
Ước lượng khoảng tin cậy với cỡ mẫu nhỏ
Giám sát độ ổn định của mô hình
Difference-in-Differences (DiD)
So sánh giữa Monte Carlo Simulation và Bootstrap
So sánh Likelihood Ratio, Jeffreys và Clopper-Pearson trong ước lượng khoảng tin cậy cho phân phối binomial
Mô Hình Hồi Quy Logistic Thứ Tự
Closeness Evaluation Measure (CEM)
Monotonic Trend with Wine Quality Dataset
Explore and setup
Quarto workflows
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Learning more
Transition from Rmd
Machine learning
Model guideline
Focal loss - handle class imbalance